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Thursday, October 7, 2010


Every persons curl pattern is different, and I think its only fair that you get to see how other beautiful women take care of their hair! Check out what these other natural women have to say!
Do you love your natural hair?
YES! I absolutely love it. I think going natural was one of the smartest decisions I ever made. I feel so free and liberated now. My hair actually surprised me, I had no idea it could be so full lol. I LOVE big hair now and do anything and everything I can to make it as big as possible. I'm never putting another relaxer on my hair. 

Favorite Hairstyles. 
I really like braid outs. They look best a few days after the initial take down. I used to be fond of twist outs but i'm slowly but surely distancing myself from them. I think the style people see me with most are puffs. That's corny, i know lol, but i just like them. I think the puff is a little underrated. There are so many things that can be done with a puff, plenty of puff variations out there. I've decided recently though, that I'll be doing protective styling starting from next week until the end of winter. We'll see how that goes... lol   

                                                                                             BRAID OUT

Products I use. 
That's a hard question lol. I'm a bit of a PJ (product junkie). A lot of people say they went natural to spend less money. I spend WAY more money now than I ever did relaxed, but I am well aware that it's completely unnecessary. The basics really do work the best I just always find myself wanting to try something "different", so as a result I have an abundance of products that i switch between, but there are certain products that I always go back to so I'll talk about those. My absolute can't live without product is Jane Carter's Solution Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner. I've been natural for 1 year and 5 months and I've tried SO many conditioners in that time and nothing has topped that. For wash and go's for the most part I use Carol's Daughter Hair Milk. I've heard a lot of bad reviews about it but it works for me =/. Another product that I must have on deck at all times is Carol's Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey. It's great, it has the consistency of hair grease without all the bad stuff traditional hair grease has in it. For things like puffs or anything else that requires slicking my hair down I use IC Fantasia Olive Oil Gel. I recently tried Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In a few months ago and I really like it, it's played a major part in keeping my ends moisturized so i think I'll definitely be using that for a while. Last but not least in my staple products is Jojoba Oil. I use it as a sealant, i put it in my hair while it's soaking wet to seal in moisture. When it comes to products and my hair I've come to the realization that creams and oils work, butters DON'T. 

What Made you become natural?
I basically went natural, to put it simply, because I realized that my hair didn't HAVE to be straight. I also noticed that my hair was at a stand still, it seemed to not be growing past shoulder length, my initial reasons for going natural weren't to grow my hair but once i started on my journey I knew I had the potential to grow my hair very long. My current natural hair goal is to grow it to arm pit length by the end of the year, but my long term goal it to grow it waist length (stretched of course lol).



I decided to go natural in college because it was the most cost effective thing to do!
As it it turns out, "going natural" became somewhat of a movement between my friends and the women of the UCF community..
I got my last perm January 2008.
All I really use when I wear my hair out is plain 'ol conditioner.. Not leave-in, but the same stuff you're supposed to rinse out after shampooing.. I find it to be the perfect consistency for my thin on the outsides/thick on the inside curly hair..lol I too stretch out my hair, but I don't use the diffuser attachment. [although I probably should] I part my hair the way I want it to dry & separate/twist it up into three buns. Then I just blow it mostly dry & then take out the buns.

A really great up-do is the whole "pin the back up & let some bangs fall to the side" thing.. Since my hair isn't too long yet, I cheat & use a banana clip. I put the banana clip in [while leaving some hair out in the front] & roll the back-end of the mane up into a french roll. Bobby pins are my best friends and the banana clip really helps hold the style. & I just style the front with a hump & some bangs. 

I don't get wear my hair out very often because I'm in the military, so 5 days out of the week, it needs to be pretty much slicked back. I hate using gel and hairspray, but I find that to be the only fuzz-proof method [because I have to take off/put on my hat several times a day]. 
Products: Pantene ProV Relaxed and Natural conditioner, Ampro gel, Dove hairspray
Love the blog!

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